Add Health

Initiated in 1994 and supported by five program project grants from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) with co-funding from 23 other federal agencies and foundations, Add Health is the largest, most comprehensive, nationally-representative longitudinal survey of adolescents ever undertaken. Beginning with an in-school questionnaire administered to a nationally representative sample of students in grades 7-12, the study followed up with a series of in-home interviews conducted in 1995, 1996, 2001-02, 2008, and 2016-18. Add Health participants are now full-fledged adults, aged 33-44, and will soon be moving into midlife. Over the years, Add Health has added a substantial amount of additional data for users, including contextual data on the communities and states in which participants reside, genomic data and a range of biological health markers of participants, and parental survey data.

Access to the Add Health Data

Restricted-Use Data will be distributed by contract only to certified researchers (this includes researchers located outside of the US) who commit themselves to maintaining limited access. To be eligible to enter into an Add Health contract, researchers must complete a Contract Application which includes the following requirements (as well as others):

  • Security plan
  • IRB approval letter
  • NEW contracts: $1000 payment by check or credit card as arranged with Add Health Contracts
  • Additional justification statement for each dataset ouside the “Core Files” category (see below for data listing).

Romantic Pairs Data will be distributed by contract only to certified researchers (this includes researchers located outside of the US) who commit themselves to maintaining limited access. To be eligible to enter into an Add Health contract, researchers must complete a Contract Application which includes the following requirements (as well as others):

  • Security plan
  • IRB approval letter
  • NEW contracts: $1000 payment by check or credit card as arranged with Add Health Contracts
  • Additional justification statement for each dataset ouside the “Core Files” category (see below for data listing).
  • Additional justification statement for each Romantic Pairs data file requested

    NOTE: The Romantic Pairs contract includes access to all the data available to the Restricted-Use contract plus the Romantic Pairs data.

Initiating an application for a new Add Health contract

For some notes on initiating an application for an Add Health contract, please see the document Getting Started.

For some hints for submitting your application, please see the document New Contract Information Packet.

Renewing an existing Add Health contract

Contact Add Health Contracts for instructions.


Wave I Data

The public-use dataset for Wave I contains information collected in 1994–95 from Add Health’s nationally representative sample of adolescents. This dataset consists of one-half of the core sample, and one-half of the oversample of African-American adolescents with a parent who has a college degree, chosen at random. The total number of Wave I respondents in this dataset is 6,504.

The Wave I public-use dataset includes information from each of the following sources (as available):

  • Wave I In-Home Data File, includes Wave I In-School Questionnaire Data, Wave I Parent Questionnaire Data and Add Health Picture Vocabulary Test Scores
  • Contextual data
  • In-school network data
  • Weights


  • Demographic Characteristics
  • Contextual Data
  • Family
  • Education
  • SES, Labor Market & Occupation
  • Physical Health
  • Psychological Well-being & Cognition
  • Friends & Social Network
  • Medication & Substance Use and Abuse
  • Reproductive Health
  • Crime/Delinquency/Victimization
  • Romantic Relationships
  • Risk Behavior

Wave II Data

The public-use dataset for Wave II contains information collected in 1996 from Add Health’s nationally representative sample of adolescents. The interview was generally similar to that at Wave I. Questions about attributes that should not change, such as ethnic background, were not repeated. A total of 4,834 of the original Wave I respondents were re-interviewed between April through August 1996.

The Wave II public-use dataset includes information from each of the following sources (as available):

  • Wave II In-Home Interview
  • Contextual data
  • Weights


  • Demographic Characteristics
  • Contextual Data
  • Family
  • Education
  • SES, Labor Market & Occupation
  • Physical Health
  • Psychological Well-being & Cognition
  • Friends & Social Network
  • Medication & Substance Use and Abuse
  • Reproductive Health
  • Crime/Delinquency/Victimization
  • Romantic Relationships
  • Risk Behavior

Wave III Data

Wave III

The Wave III public-use data are helpful in analyzing the transition between adolescence and young adulthood. A total of 4,882 of the original Wave I respondents were re-interviewed between August 2001 and April 2002. Wave III respondents were between 18 and 26 years old.

The In-home interview Wave III dataset includes the following data files (as available):

  • Main Respondent File: includes the In-Home Questionnaire data, AHPVT scores, and bio specimen data
  • Education Data: High School Exit Status and Math & Science Transcript data
  • Weights


  • Demographic Characteristics
  • Contextual Data
  • Family
  • Education
  • SES, Labor Market & Occupation
  • Physical Health
  • Psychological Well-being & Cognition
  • Friends & Social Network
  • Medication & Substance Use and Abuse
  • Reproductive Health
  • Crime/Delinquency/Victimization
  • Romantic Relationships
  • Risk Behavior

Wave IV Data

Wave IV was designed to study the developmental and health trajectories across the life course of adolescence into young adulthood. The Wave IV public-use file contains data on 5,114 respondents, aged 24 to 32*. In Wave IV, biological data was also gathered in an attempt to acquire a greater understanding of pre-disease pathways, with a specific focus on obesity, stress, and health risk behavior.

The In-home interview Wave IV dataset includes the following data files:

  • Wave IV In-home Interview File: variables from the in-home interview, including anthropometric measures
  • Wave IV Biomarker Data: Measures of EBV and hsCRP, Measures of Glucose homeostasis, and Lipids Measures
  • Weights

*17 respondents in the Wave IV public use sample were 33 years old at the time of the interview


  • Demographic Characteristics
  • Contextual Data
  • Family
  • Education
  • SES, Labor Market & Occupation
  • Physical Health
  • Psychological Well-being & Cognition
  • Friends & Social Network
  • Medication & Substance Use and Abuse
  • Reproductive Health
  • Crime/Delinquency/Victimization
  • Romantic Relationships
  • Risk Behavior

Wave V Data

Add Health re-interviewed cohort members in a Wave V follow-up during 2016-2018 to collect social, environmental, behavioral, and biological data with which to track the emergence of chronic disease as the cohort moved through their fourth decade of life. Wave V public-use file contains 4,196 respondents.

Mixed Mode Survey

Wave V data collection employed a mixed mode survey design, including an embedded component to analyze mode effects. The Wave V survey was shorter than the Wave IV interview, which lasted 90 minutes.


  • Demographic Characteristics
  • Family, siblings, friends
  • Education, work, military
  • Physical and Mental Health
  • Daily activities and sleep
  • Relationships
  • Sexual & Fertility Histories
  • Substance Use & Abuse
  • Involvement with Criminal Justice System
  • Work attitudes and characteristics
  • Religion
  • Economics
  • Expectations
  • Personality
  • Stressors
  • Children and Parenting
  • Civic Participation
  • Cognitive Function
  • Psychosocial factors
  • Retrospective Childhood Health & Socioeconomic Status

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Wave I In-Home Interview Data (part of Core Files bundle)

A merged file containing the Wave I In-Home Interview data, Parent Questionnaire data and the Add Health Picture Vocabulary data, collected in 1994–1995. N= 20,745

Wave I School Administrator Questionnaire Data (part of Core Files bundle)

Information from the Wave I (self-administered) questionnaires answered by administrators at the sampled schools. N=172

Wave I In-School Questionnaire Data (part of Core Files bundle)

Adolescent responses to the In-School Questionnaire administered September 1994 through April 1995. N= 90,118

Wave I School Administrator Weights (part of Core Files bundle)

Variables needed to correct for design effects and weight the Wave I school administrator data. N=164

Wave II School Administrator Questionnaire Data (part of Core Files bundle)

Information from the Wave II (phone administered) questionnaires answered by administrators at the sampled schools. N=128

Wave III In-Home Interview Data (part of Core Files bundle)

Respondent-level data collected during the 2001?2002 in-home interview includes field interviewer characteristics, AHPVT. N=15,197

Wave III Grand Sample Weights (part of Core Files bundle)

Variables needed to correct for design effects and weight the Wave III in-home data, including longitudinal and cross-sectional weights. N=15,197

Wave IV Grand Sample Weights (part of Core Files bundle)

Variables needed to correct for design effects and weight the Wave IV in-home data, including longitudinal and cross-sectional weights. N=15,701

Wave V Mixed-Mode Survey Data (part of Core Files bundle)

Respondent data from the Wave V mixed-mode survey. This release includes survey, weights, disposition, survey medications and Section 16b data sets. N=12,300

Wave V Sample 2B Data Add-on (Core Files Add-on)

(For Existing Contracts Only) We will update your existing contract to include Wave V Sample 2B and any other data that were released into the Core Files Bundle if you do not have them yet. It could include Wave V Mixed-Mode Survey Data.

Wave IV Consent (Wave IV Biomarker Files)

This file contains variables indicating the types of consent (archive, no archive, refused, incarcerated) obtained for the Wave IV blood spot and saliva DNA collections. N= 15,701


Wave V Demographics - Home Exam (Wave V Biomarker Files)

This file contains various demographic variables in regards to the Wave V home exam, including the date of the home exam, number of days between the Wave V survey and the home exam, the home exam completion status, as well as the respondent’s age, biological sex, pregnancy status, medication use and blood draw status.

Variables: 12

Observations: 5,381


Wave V Anthropometrics (Wave V Biomarker Files)

This file contains anthropometric variables constructed from the measurements taken at the Wave V home exam. The measurements include arm circumference, height, weight, and waist circumference. The file also contains BMI, as well as classification variables for BMI and waist circumference.

Variables: 13

Observations: 5,381

Wave V Cardiovascular Measures (Wave V Biomarker Files)

This file contains cardiovascular measures constructed from the three serial measurements of blood pressure and pulse rate collected at the Wave V home exam. The measures include systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate, pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure. Other variables included are classifications of blood pressure, flags based on self-reported medical history, an antihypertensive medication use flag and a hypertensive joint classification variable.

Variables: 31

Observations: 5,381

Wave V Medications - Home Exam (Wave V Biomarker Files)

This file provides the therapeutic classification codes, as well as numerous medication flag variables, to identify the types of medication (both prescription and over-the-counter) used by respondents as reported at the Wave V home exam.

Variables: 35

Observations: 11,105

Wave V Glucose Homeostasis (Wave V Biomarker Files)

This file contains assay results of glucose and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) based on venous blood collected via phlebotomy at the Wave V home exam. There are classifications for fasting glucose and non-fasting glucose, as well as an HbA1C classification. Other variables included are flags based on a self-reported diabetes medical history, anti-diabetic medication use, and a diabetes joint classification variable.

Variables: 11

Observations: 5,381

Wave V Lipids (Wave V Biomarker Files)

This file contains constructed measures designed to facilitate analysis and interpretation of lipids results based on venous blood collected via phlebotomy at the Wave V home exam. In addition to the lipid assay results, there are classifications according to both the NCEP/ATP III and AHA/ACC guidelines, a flag for antihyperlipidemic medication use, and two hyperlipidemia joint classification variables.

Variables: 26

Observations: 5,381

Wave V Renal Function (Wave V Biomarker Files)

This file contains constructed measures designed to facilitate analysis and interpretation of renal function based on venous blood collected via phlebotomy at the Wave V home exam. Assay results for creatinine and cystatin-c are available, as well as three different estimations of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) using either the creatinine concentration, the cystatin C concentration or both concentrations. Classifications according to both clinical and KDIGO guidelines are available as well.

Variables: 14

Observations: 5,381

Wave V Inflammation and Immune Function (Wave V Biomarker Files)

This file contains constructed measures designed to facilitate analysis and interpretation of inflammation and immune function based on venous blood collected via phlebotomy at the Wave V home exam. In addition to the assay results for high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), there is an AHA/CDC classification, counts of subclinical symptoms and common infectious or inflammatory diseases, and various anti-inflammatory medication use flags.

Variables: 26

Observations: 5,381

Wave V Biomarker Weight (Wave V Biomarker Files)

This file contains the Wave V biomarker sample weight.

Variables: 2

Observations: 5,381

Wave I - II: Family Structure Array (Constructed Data Files)

Nineteen constructed family structure array variables are available for Add Health respondents (Wave I or II) from birth to age at latest adolescent follow-up, with a maximum age of 18 years old. The family structure array variables can be used to construct measures such as the number of family structure changes experienced from birth to a given age (family instability), or the amount of time spent in different family structures.

The following citation should be used for papers and publications using this data: Gaydosh, L. & Harris, K.M. 2018. Family Instability and Young Adult Health. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 59(2).

Variables: 19

Observations: 20,745

Family Structure (Constructed Data Files)

This file contains four variables, utilizing five, seven, eight, and fourteen categories, to describe the household parental structure at Wave I.

The following citation should be used for papers and publications using this data: Harris, K. M. 1999. The Health Status and Risk Behavior of Adolescents in Immigrant Families. In Hernandez, D.J. (Ed.), Children of Immigrants: Health, Adjustment, and Public Assistance (pp. 286-347). Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

Variables: 4

Observations: 20,745

Race (Constructed Data Files)

Included in this file are a single race variable and a multiracial variable constructed from the Wave I race questions.

The following citation should be used for papers and publications using this data: Udry, J.R., Li, R.M., & Hendrickson-Smith, J. 2003. Health and Behavior Risks of Adolescents with Mixed-Race Identity. American Journal of Public Health, 93(11), 1865-1870.

Variables: 1

Observations: 20,246

Wave IV Constructed Variables (Constructed Data Files)

This file contains constructed variables on stress, depression, mastery, personality, arrest history, sexual behavior, smoking, and substance abuse created by Wave IV collaborators.

Variables: 49

Observations: 15,701

Constructed SES Variables (Constructed Data Files)

These data include variables for social origins measured from information about their families collected from Add Health participants’ parents at the Wave I interview, social attainments measured from their occupations reported on the Wave IV survey, and neighborhood-level socioeconomic disadvantage using Census-tract-level data linked to Add Health participants’ addresses from Wave I and Wave IV.

Variables: 5

Observations: 20,745

Wave IV Constructed Current Relationship Status (Constructed Data Files)

This dataset contains variables that describe the current relationship each respondent had by Wave IV.

Variables: 3

Observations: 15,701

Wave IV BMI Genetic Risk Score (Genetic Files)

This file contains the BMI genetic risk score for Add Health twin and full sibling respondents who provided saliva samples at Wave IV. N= 1,886


Wave I and II Disposition File (Disposition Files)

This file contains the types of data available for the Wave I respondents along with the outcome of the 16,706 respondents selected for Wave II. N= 20,745

Wave III Academic Courses (Wave III Education Files)

These files contain academic status and/or performance indicators for math, science, foreign language, English, history, social sciences, physical education, and a combined overall category. N= 12,237

Wave III ASHA Call Data (Wave III Supplemental Files)

To receive the results of their STD assays, Wave III respondents called an Add Health dedicated number at the American Social Health Association. This dataset provides information on who called the results hotline and the date and time of the call. N=4,279

Parents (2015-2017) (Parents (2015-2017))

The parent data files contain social, demographic, behavioral, and health data collected in 2015-2017 on a probability sample of Add Health parents who were originally interviewed in 1995 and coincide with Wave V of Add Health. Data for 2,013 Wave I parents, connected to 2,244 Add Health respondents, are available. Additionally, 988 current spouse/partner interviews are available. These data can be linked with Wave I parent data, and corresponding Add Health respondents at Waves I – V. Includes weight files.

Wave I In-School Friendship Nominations (Friendship Files)

Identification numbers of the friends that the respondent nominated during the in-school interview. N=90,118

dbGaP Linking File (GID_link.xpt) (dbGaP Files)

The dbGaP Linking File contains the ID crosswalk to link the Add Health dbGaP genotype data to the restricted-use phenotype data for 9,974 Wave IV respondents.

The following items are required before this request can be approved. Please submit, as necessary, the documents listed below.

  1. An approved Add Health Restricted-Use Data Contract.
  2. The Add Health Linkage File Agreement.
  3. An approved dbGaP Add Health Data Use Certification Agreement.
  4. The NIH-approved dbGaP NIH Data Access Request.

Wave I Climate File (ONE: Obesity and Neighborhood Environment Files)

This file contains the climate data for Wave I respondents based on the nearest climate station. Information is available on precipitation, total snowfall, sky cover, temperature, and total hours of sunshine. N=20,745

Wave I In-Home Weight Components (Additional Weight Files)

A weight component for each level of sampling (school and adolescents) has been created for each wave of data collection. This file contains the weight components needed for computing multilevel weights for Wave I. N= 20,745

Adolescent Pairs Data (Sibling Files)

Information that links and describes the sibling pairs. N=3,139

Wave III Cotinine Assay Data (Wave III Biomarker Files)

This file contains the cotinine and 3-hydroxycotinine assay values for 963 Wave III respondents. N=963


Wave I School Network Data (Network Files)

Network variables constructed from the in-school questionnaire data and friendship nominations. N=75,871

HUD-Assisted Housing Supplementary Data (Contextual Data Files)

The supplementary datafile identifies Add Health respondents who lived in HUD-assisted housing at any point between 1995 and 2017. For these Add Health respondents, the supplementary datafile provides unique Add Health respondent identifiers (AID) and household-level information about the characteristics of their HUD housing residence. The supplementary datafile is a hierarchical (i.e., long-format data file), with each row representing a unique HUD administrative record that is linked to an AID. In total, the hierarchical file includes a total of 8,587 HUD records on 1,159 unique Add Health respondents identified through the linkage. N=8,587

Due to the sensitive nature of the HUD-Assisted Housing Supplementary data, approved users can only access the data on the UNC Secure Remote Workspace (UNC SRW) server for a limited timeframe (1 year).

The following items are required before this request can be approved. Please submit, as necessary, the documents listed below.

  1. Data Analysis Plan (maximum one page; indicate time for completion)
  2. Completed Affiliate Form (will be provided upon receipt of this order form)
  3. Remote Access Form

Wave I State Demographic Characteristics, Exclusionary Indices, and Inclusionary Indices (Contextual Data Files)

These data provide measures of punishment regime variation in state-based policies, practices, and programs, both in their punitive and non-punitive forms, and some additional state demographic control variables. These data were gathered to use with Add Health for multilevel analyses. N=20,745

Contextual Wave IV Database (Contextual Data Files)

The data provide an important update to the contextual variables already available in Wave IV by including information at the state- and county-levels. Additionally, there are a few new variables in the present database that are absent from other waves. N=15,701

Contextual Wave V Database (Contextual Data Files)

This contextual database further expands the extensive contextual data currently available to users of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) through the provision of numerous measures reported by the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS), rural-urban commuting area codes, U.S. Climate Atlas, and Uniform Crime Report. N=12,300

Wave V County Health and Mobility Data (Contextual Data Files)

The Wave V County Health and Mobility database summarizes the socioeconomic, health, and mobility characteristics of the environments in which Add Health participants were living at the time of their Wave V interview. County-level data describe (1) levels of and trends in chronic disease (hypertension, type-2 diabetes) and health risk behaviors (obesity, smoking, alcohol use); and (2) economic opportunity and inequality. N=12,300

Wave V - ACA Medicaid Expansion Data (Contextual Data Files)

This data file provides the year in which states expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. These dates are attached to the location in which Add Health participants were living at Wave V. N=12,300

Waves I, IV, and V - The Opportunity Atlas: Mapping the Childhood Roots of Social Mobility Data (Contextual Data Files)

This file enhances the existing Add Health contextual database through the addition of measures essential to understanding the determinants and sequelae of socioeconomic mobility. Specifically, it aims to characterize the socioeconomic mobility of Add Health participants at Wave I, IV, and V. WI N=20,745 WIV N=15,701 WV N=12,300

Wave IV City Crime Rate Data (Contextual Data Files)

This Crime Rate Data file facilitates research examining the impact of community violence on the health trajectories of Wave IV Add Health participants by providing police department crime data from 13 U.S. cities with high crime rates. N=15,701

Wave V City Crime Rate Data (Contextual Data Files)

This Crime Rate Data file facilitates research examining the impact of community violence on the health trajectories of Wave V Add Health participants by providing police department crime data from 13 U.S. cities with high crime rates. N=12,300

Historical Neighborhood Redlining (Contextual Data Files)

This contextual database allows researchers to identify potential long-term consequences of redlining for contemporary inequities in neighborhood environments, and individual health and socioeconomic attainment over the life course. N=20,706

Waves III-V Multi-year Air Pollution Exposure Estimates (Contextual Data Files)

The air pollution data described here provide longer-term estimates of air pollution exposure that can be used to address a broad range of research questions related to how air pollution exposure over time may relate to a variety of health outcomes. N=20,745

Wave I & II School Desegregation Disparities (Contextual Data Files)

This file contains data on the levels of school racial segregation experienced by Add Health respondents during their school-age years, related school district characteristics, and measures of tract-level residential segregation present in adulthood (Waves III-V). N=84,166

Wave I & II School District Grouping Data (Contextual Data Files)

To facilitate clustering by school district, the school district identifiers comprising this file are based on the Local education agency identification numbers (LEAID) of the school districts in which the Wave I school, Wave I residence, and Wave II residence were situated. The first two characters of this LEAID represent state and reflect state codes assigned by Add Health in other disseminated data similarly intended for clustering at different geographic areas. N=84,166


Wave I Contextual Data (Contextual Data Files)

Community contextual variables based on state, county, tract, and block group levels derived from the Wave I addresses. N=20,745

Wave I Spatial Analysis Data (Contextual Data Files)

Pseudo coordinates that can be used to calculate distances between friends in a school community. N=20,301

Wave I Neighborhood Data (Contextual Data Files)

Pseudo state, county, tract, and block group variables that allow grouping of Add Health respondents geographically (based on Wave I addresses). N=20,745

Wave II Contextual Data (Contextual Data Files)

Community contextual variables based on state, county, tract, and block group levels derived from the Wave II addresses. N=14,738

Wave II Neighborhood Data (Contextual Data Files)

Pseudo state, county, tract, and block group variables that allow grouping of Add Health respondents geographically (based on Wave II addresses). N=14,738

Wave III Contextual Data (Contextual Data Files)

Community contextual variables based on state, county, tract, and block group levels derived from the Wave III addresses. N=15,197

Wave III Sex Ratio (Contextual Data Files)

In this file are constructed variables at the county-level for sex ratios for males to females ages 18 to 29, 30-34, and 18 to 34, the proportion of males and females ages 18 to 34, and the sex ratio of employed males 16 years and older to the total number of females 16 years and older for the white population and the black or African American population. N= 15,197

Wave III Grouping File Data (Contextual Data Files)

Pseudo state, county, tract, and block group variables in FIPS code format that allow grouping of Add Health respondents geographically (based on Wave III addresses).N=15,197

Wave III Region (Contextual Data Files)

This file contains the Census region codes for the respondents’ Wave III residential locations. N=15,197

Wave III Supplemental Tract-Level Contextual Data (Contextual Data Files)

This file contains supplemental Wave III contextual data that include transportation and commuting measures, climate descriptors, amenities, and state-level tobacco control influences. These variables are available at the census tract-level unless otherwise specified. N= 15,197

Wave IV Region (Contextual Data Files)

This file contains the Census region codes for the respondents’ Wave IV residential locations. N=15,197

Wave IV Grouping Data (Contextual Data Files)

The pseudo FIPS codes in this file allow you to geographically group respondents by their Wave IV locations. N=15,701

Wave IV Supplemental Tract-Level Contextual Data (Contextual Data Files)

This file contains tract-level measures, based on the Wave IV respondent locations, reported by the U.S. Census Bureau's 2009 American Community Survey (ACS), the Climate Atlas of the United States, the USDA Economics Research Service, Esri Data and Maps, ImpacTeen Tobacco Control policy and Prevalence Data, and the Uniform Crime Reports. When tract level measures were not available or appropriate, state and county level variables were used. N=15,701

Wave I Political Context Data (Contextual Data Files)

The Add Health Political Context files provide an array of measures that describe the political environments in which Add Health respondents reside. These contextual variables include measures of commuting, election results for gubernatorial, presidential, and senatorial races, and voter registration law. N= 20,745

Wave II Political Context Data (Contextual Data Files)

The Add Health Political Context files provide an array of measures that describe the political environments in which Add Health respondents reside. These contextual variables include measures of commuting, election results for gubernatorial, presidential, and senatorial races, and voter registration law. N= 14,738

Wave III Political Context Data (Contextual Data Files)

The Add Health Political Context files provide an array of measures that describe the political environments in which Add Health respondents reside. These contextual variables include measures of commuting, election results for gubernatorial, presidential, and senatorial races, and voter registration law. N=15,197

Wave III Alcohol Outlet Density Data (Contextual Data Files)

This Add Health data file measures the prevalence of alcohol outlets in respondent communities by reporting the tract-level density of establishments possessing on- and/or off-premise alcohol licenses. N=15,197

Wave IV Modified Retail Food Environment (mRFEI) Data (Contextual Data Files)

The Wave IV mRFEI file includes the mRFEI for each respondent based on their Wave IV residential location (n = 15,701).
